Minnesota Assisted Reproduction LawyerAssisted reproduction is wonderful thing. We are very happy to support families seeking legal counsel in this rewarding area of law.  Whether it is adoption, surrogacy, embryo donation or otherwise, we have the legal experience to advise clients from all walks of life – no matter who they are.

Becoming a new parent is a beautiful moment.  The office is very happy to work with people to achieve their dream of bringing new life, love, and happiness into the world.  We strongly believe in family and the structure if provides to the world.  Helping people with this aspects of their lives is a special feeling for us.  We feel very grateful to be included in this intimate aspect of people’s lives.

Surrogacy, Assisted Reproduction, Embryo Donation

Mr. Flanders has helped new parents and donors in many areas of Minnesota assisted reproduction law. Some common representation areas include:

  • Gestational Carrier Agreements
  • Egg & Embryo Donor Agreements
  • Minnesota Assisted Reproduction
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Pre-Birth Orders
  • Post-Birth Orders
  • Adoption

Mr. Flanders works with couples, single people, gay person, lesbian, or otherwise to help them build families. There are many ways to help: from assisted reproduction through adoption. We have represented both intended parents and gestational carriers during the entire process.  Mr. Flanders has many years of legal experience drafting contracts, working with people, and achieving results that work for them.

Interstate, Intrastate, and Foreign Assisted Reproduction

Our firm has experience in interstate, intrastate and foreign surrogacy relationships. We offer total advice in on all legal issues involved with surrogacy. The office has worked with various national providers, agencies, clinics and health systems in all areas of assisted reproduction.

Minnesota Assisted Reproduction Lawyer

Contact Joseph M. Flanders of Flanders Law Firm LLC today for your Minnesota assisted reproduction lawyer consultation. Every case is different. We want to help you and your family.


Call today for a free initial consultation at:  612-424-0398