Cannon Falls MN - Flanders Law Firm LLCLooking for a Cannon Falls MN Lawyer?

Joseph M. Flanders is a resident of Cannon Falls, Minnesota.  I belong to First English Lutheran Church and serve on the council.

When not doing legal work, I enjoy spending time with my wife and my children.  I also enjoy fly fishing in the Cannon River, riding on the Cannon Valley Trail and doing any kind of outdoor activity.

Legal Services in Cannon Falls MN

As I stated above, I don’t specialize in any one area of the law.  I like all areas.  However, if you twist my arm, I will tell you that I practice:

Furthermore, if there is any area of law that you don’t see listed above, feel free to contact me and I will try my best to answer your question.  If I don’t know the answer, I will make sure I get you in touch with somebody who can help you.
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Reasonable Attorney Fees

I charge reasonable rates.  I understand that times are tough and lawyer fees are often the last things people want to pay.  I work very hard for my clients and always have their best interest in mind.

Contact me if you are in need of a Cannon Falls MN lawyer.  I promise to answer your calls promptly and give you the best legal advice I can.  No matter what your legal issue, I can assure you that you will get service from me.

Free Initial Consultations

Contact the Flanders Law Firm today.  The firm offers free consultations to all potential clients. Call (612) 424-0398.

